
Magic and Science together in their technology

The technology on Marvitrey is far more advanced than any civilization, have technology that can do almost everything, Time and Space travel ships that are dimensionally transcendental and can take on a disguise of an object that is normally around wherever and Whenever they land. Devices that act as extensions of their Tardises analyzing and psychic capabilities that can do any function that the Time Lord owner of said device wants it to do.

Description of Marvitrey

Colorful plant life in all colors and natural buildings from to observe, watch, and even intervene in events in Time and Space when deemed necessary. Blue deserts, Gray water, pink Grass, and Green tree's. Purple leaves on the tree's, and Brown and white mountains. The continents on Marvitrey are named after every single word in every dictionary. The Time Lord's on Marvitrey have been around for a long while and have their own laws. Marvitrey is referred to as The shining civilizations in the Kalectropy galaxy.